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Award Criteria



The Lejeune Scholarship Foundation was incorporated in 1993 in order to provide scholarship money to seniors who have demonstrated sustained academic excellence and who have exhibited a willingness to serve the community.  Foundation awards are made possible by donations from Lejeune High School alumni, parents of alumni, organizations with an interest in Lejeune High School, and other concerned benefactors.  Any student who meets all the requirements, regardless of financial need, is guaranteed a scholarship.  The amount of the awards will be determined annually based on the number of eligible recipients and the funds available.


A school coordinator will represent the Foundation at Lejeune High School.  Questions concerning the scholarship program, award criteria, and/or administrative procedures should be addressed to the coordinator.


It is the student’s responsibility to contact the school coordinator, to file the scholarship application prior to completing the community service, to meet the scholastic requirements, and to document community service in a timely manner.




Any senior enrolled at Lejeune High School who meets the criteria cited herein shall be eligible to receive a scholarship from the Foundation.  


Award Criteria:


The Lejeune Scholarship will be awarded to eligible students who:


  1. satisfy all course requirements for the Lejeune Scholar Award, an existing scholastic recognition program at Lejeune High School (reference attachment Lejeune Scholars Program);

  2. earn a cumulative weighted G.P.A. of 3.55 or higher (an existing requirement for the Lejeune Scholar Award);

  3. completed an application prior to performing community service; and 

  4. perform at least 150 hours of community service (Reference the provisions in Exceptions, page 2, for prorating hours of service based on date of enrollment at Lejeune High School.) 




Students interested in earning a scholarship from the Foundation should complete the enclosed Application For Scholarship Program Participation and return it to the school coordinator prior to performing community service hours.  The student also shall be responsible for the proper completion and timely submission of the forms used to document community service.


Community Service:


The Foundation is concerned that graduates of Lejeune High School have an understanding that service to one’s community is a fundamental aspect of being a good citizen.  The requirement for community service is designed to foster that attitude.


Guidelines: A candidate for a Foundation scholarship must accumulate 50 hours of community service for each year of enrollment at Lejeune High School during grades 10-12 (see Exceptions).  Candidates must complete a minimum of 50 hours during the senior year.  All service must be on a volunteer basis for a nonprofit organization either aboard Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base or in Onslow County.  Any work performed outside Onslow County must have the prior approval of the school coordinator.  A list of acceptable agencies for which a student may volunteer is attached.  If a student has a desire to work for an agency that does not appear on the approved list, prior approval of the school coordinator is required.  Service hours must be turned in at least monthly, no later than the last day of the following month (e.g. any hours earned in June are due no later than 31 July).  All service must be documented on the Verification of Volunteer Service form turned in to the coordinator as well as maintained on the Record of Volunteer Service form for total hours.  Hours not submitted on the form provided by the foundation will not be accepted.  Only one date of service per verification form will be accepted.  Remember no community service hours will be accepted until an application is on file.


Exceptions: Any student who enrolls at Lejeune High School after the start of a school year will be required to complete a prorated number of hours based on the 50 hour per year standard.  Students who must work to help provide family support may appeal to the Foundation (via the school coordinator) for a reduction of required service hours. 


Restrictions and Limitations: Students may begin to accumulate community service hours during the summer prior to their sophomore year, however, no hours will be counted towards the required total until an application has been submitted.    No more than eight (8) hours in any twenty-four hour, non-school day will be accepted.  No more than four (4) hours in any twenty-four hour school day will be accepted.  No service may be earned during school hours.  Travel time is not to be included in the accumulation of service hours.  No exceptions to these provisions will be approved.  All service hours must be supervised and verified by an adult supervisor.  The adult supervisor cannot be the parent or sponsor of an applicant.


Deadlines: May 1 is the last day volunteer service hours can be earned during the student's senior year.  Documentation for service hours must be received by the program coordinator no later than the second Friday in May.


Acceptable Types of Service: The following are examples of acceptable community service (see the attached Accepted Volunteer Agencies List):

• collection or delivery for Christmas Cheer or Meals on Wheels

• clerical work for a service agency 

• community clean-up programs like Beach Sweep

• tutorial programs with elementary school students

• visitation to senior citizens and/or rest homes

• American Red Cross volunteer work

• working concessions at an athletic event


Unacceptable Types of Service: The following are examples of unacceptable community service:

• work that earns credit for a class or a merit badge,

• work that is required for membership in a school club

• work that is unsupervised by an adult

• participation in pageants or competitions

• personal work for a principal, counselor, teacher, teacher assistant, or coach

• working in Special Olympics during the school day

• selling items for club activities

• any telephone solicitation

• work for a political organization


School and Church Activities: A minimum of 5 hours of school service is required per year of enrollment at Lejeune High School.  Events sponsored by the school or an agency of the school must be for the good of the general public in order for students to earn community service hours.  Exceptions will be made for tutoring done under the supervision of a teacher and approved by the school official administering the program.  A maximum of twenty (20) hours per year of combined service for school-related and church-related activities will be accepted.  PTO and Project Graduation are considered non-school hours. 


Manner of Award:


The scholarship may be used at any accredited post-secondary institution of the student’s choice.  The money will be given in the form of a check made payable to both the students and the institution upon the student’s matriculation.  If the student does not matriculate in August or January following high school graduation, he shall forfeit the scholarship.




A student may file an appeal with the school coordinator if the student:  1) has extenuating circumstances which prevent his college matriculation by the spring term of the year following his high school graduation, 2) has extenuating circumstances which would cause undue hardship in meeting the community service requirement (see Exceptions), or 3) believes an error occurred in the compilation of community service hours.  An Appeals Committee consisting of a high school administrator, a high school teacher, and a member of the Foundation’s Board of Directors shall be established to resolve each case.  Committee members shall be selected randomly and shall not be personally involved with the circumstances of the student who is appealing.  An appeal must be made within thirty (30) days of the condition or decision that is being appealed.  Recommendations of the Appeals Committee shall be final.

Amended by the Board of Directors:  September 15, 2010

Donate to LSF

Foundation awards are made possible by donations from Lejeune High School alumni, parents of alumni, organizations with an interest in Lejeune High School, and other concerned benefactors.  Any student who meets all the requirements, regardless of financial need, is guaranteed a scholarship.  The amount of the awards will be determined annually on the number of eligible recipients and the funds available.


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Promoting Academic
Excellence &
Service Learning

Being awarded the LSF scholarship truly means a lot to me and my family. I am excited to pursue my future goals with your financial assistance.

© 2013  Lejeune Scholarship Foundation

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